Dan has finished his last semester for the year. WAHOOO!!! Only one left and he has a Masters Degree!! I'm so proud of him! He works so incredibly hard. I can't wait to have my husband back. He wants to go on a vacation when he gets done. Just the two of us. I'm a little paranoid to leave the kids for more than one night. I know we need it and it will be nice but I really don't want to burden anyone for too long. I'd like to go to Yellow Stone since I've never been there before and it isn't too far away. I just really worry about something happening to us or the kids. Hopefully I get over it soon. Now for and update on the kids.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Dan has finished his last semester for the year. WAHOOO!!! Only one left and he has a Masters Degree!! I'm so proud of him! He works so incredibly hard. I can't wait to have my husband back. He wants to go on a vacation when he gets done. Just the two of us. I'm a little paranoid to leave the kids for more than one night. I know we need it and it will be nice but I really don't want to burden anyone for too long. I'd like to go to Yellow Stone since I've never been there before and it isn't too far away. I just really worry about something happening to us or the kids. Hopefully I get over it soon. Now for and update on the kids.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
This last week has been a really productive one. I've been able to get a lot done around the house and ready for winter. Tuesday I cleaned out the garage and hung a few shelves and put all the dangerous stuff up high. I also mowed the lawn. Wednesday I finally re caulked the counter top in the kitchen that runs along the outside wall. We had it crack last winter and then one of the real estate agents from reliance came out to try and fix it. Well rather than fix it he used the wrong color and type of caulk. He didn't even take the old stuff off so it looked horrible!! So. I had to take all the caulk of and repaint since it pealed some of it off, and then I recaulked. Doesn't look as good as the first time but better than what the Realtor did. Then, Thursday, I washed the car inside and cleaned out the street gutters. They were full of rock and dirt from us doing the sprinklers. The lawn also got treated but Trugreen so I watered it for the last time. All we have to do now is blow out the system and clean out two windo wells and we are done!! Thank heaven I got everything done since now I have the fall cold. It started yesterday and I feel pretty crappy now.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
As I was driving today Addi just kept making me laugh. First we are stopped at a light in front of a house that ha no Halloween decorations at all but has an old wood door that has the paint peeling. She looks over and goes "Well that house is pretty spooky!" I asked her white and she matter of factly says "Cause of the door Mom!" Then just up the road she sees people advertising for Mr. Snelgrove. She asked what they were doing and I told her they were trying to get people to vote for Mr. Snelgrove. Immediately after she goes "Does that make your heart hurt?" I have no idea why or where that came from. The best was as we were waiting in the car up at the U to pick Dan up. She looks out the window and says..." Mom, there is a lot of old people here. Lets go." Sometimes she just makes me giggle. It is a good things cause most of the time she just makes me growl.
Xander has been fun lately with all his new words but he has also been learning how to be quite the brat. I think he has hit the terrible twos early. Just in the last week he has learned how to say "No" to me. I'll ask him to do something and he just says "no" and refuses to move. He has also started hitting a lot. I'm having a problem getting him to stop. He says sorry and gets a time out when he does it but he just keeps doing it. I've even tried tapping him back to show that it isn't nice but he just doesn't care. I guess the concept of getting in trouble for hitting is gonna take a while to make sense to him. I think he has been cranky cause he is still working on 6 more teeth. He also is starting with a cold or has an ear infection. We will see on Friday. I have an appointment to get the ear checked out. If it isn't the ear then I guess he has a cold. Poor guy. I hope he feels better by Saturday so we can all go trick-or-treating. I thought I'd try and get Xander on camera saying a few things and he was quite cooperative. We have three short videos of him for your viewing pleasure.
I hope to get some Halloween photos up here after we carve our pumpkins. Tradition is to have them both sit next to the pumpkin in their costume. I forgot to mention earlier that Xander is a HUGE fan of cheese and bananas. He can finish a banana in like .25 seconds. He barely even chews. Last weekend we weren't watching very closely when we were making lunch and he got a hold of a brick of cheese. Here are the results.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Well. Xander has been talking so much more. Every day he has something new to say. Yesterday when we said the blessing on lunch I said "Amen" and the next thing I hear is Xander saying "Amen." He also likes to say two in french. We will say un (1) and he says deux (2) and then we say trois (3) He loves to say "Ice" whenever we fill up our cups at the fridge and he just learned the word "bubble" today. So fun to watch him progress and learn. He knows all his face parts in french too. You ask him in french (where is your head, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, eyes, lips, stomach, feet, hands, or hair) in french and he will point to it. He also signs a little. He knows more, thirsty, hungry, please, and thankyou. It has made communication so much easier. Well. We lost the last binki last night and so he has had to quit cold turkey. Bedtime and nap time has been difficult but I think it will get easier soon.
Addi has been keeping me busy. She is still testing her limits so she spent a lot of time in her room today. She does great at preschool. She gets really excited to go and cooperates on the mornings she has preschool but about a half hour after she gets home there is a complete personality change. She is defiant and disobedient. I don't know why she is pleasant and happy for that little bit after school and then after lunch she is back at her old tricks but that is the way it is working lately. Maybe I'll try and sit down with her after school and do something fun or have her teach me what she learned. I just wish I could capture that pleasant, helpful, obedient personality that I know is in there. She did say something pretty funny today that made me laugh though. She came up to me after she had been playing on the chouch with staticy hair and said, "Look mom! My hair is all crazed up!" When I started laughing she asked me "What are you freaking out about mom?" Sometimes she does crack me up.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Xander and Addi have been keeping me busy. Addi, for some unexplained reason, has been throughing the most horrible tantrums. She doesn't stay in the corner for time out and thinks it is a game to have mom chase her around and put her back in. So. Mom is very smart (or i'd like to think so any way) and figured out that she hates being confined to any area. So. I took the locking knob off my bathroom door (we have one on the bedroom door so we just keep people out with that one) and I put it on her bedroom door with the locking side out. Now when she is naughty I lock her in. The bad part is that she will lay down and kick the door as hard as she can until I come in and put her on her bed or spank her butt. I haven't quite figured out how to solve this problem so suggestions are welcome. Most of the time just threatening to lock the door will keep her in there but when she is super defiant she just keeps throwing her fit and leaving her room before time out is up.
Xander has been making us laugh and keeping us running. He just started saying "go" the other day. I was telling Addi "ready.... set...." and then all of a sudden Xander goes "GO!" It so stinkin cute how he puckers up his lips for the "O" part. I think he is teething though so he has been throwin a lot of irrational tantrums lately too. He has been eating like carzy too! The kid is ALWAYS hungry!
We had my sister-in-law, Shannon, take our family photos last night. It was fun but frustrating at the same time cause Xander was just not going to cooperate and then Addi decided to be rambunctious too. I'm hoping we got some good shots though. Shannon's husband Dave was using another camera and shot some pics too so between the two I think they got over 400 pics. I'm sure we will find a couple that work just fine. I'm just glad that the hunt for outfits is over and I don't have to worry about it for another year. I will be posting pics as soon as we edit and pick them. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Shannon did them last year and they were fantastic! I strongly recommend her for any photo needs. She is just beginning so she could use the practice too :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
She can say it now but it sure was funny at the time. Well I think it is time to update on Xander. Lots more has changed with him.
Last I updated Xander was 6 months old. It is hard to think he was once not mobile. He is now 18 months and just started nursery (thank heaven) we can now enjoy sunday school and relief society/ priesthood. He started walking at 9 months and of couse he is running all over the place now. He climbs on everything and gets into tons of trouble. He still is as chunky as ever. I took him to the doctor last week and he was 26 Ibs. He looks a lot like Dan's mom. Many times people ask me if he is Islander and if he and Addi are even related by blood. He is such a handsome kid. He had curly hair until last month when I had to cut it cause it was too long and just kept getting all tangled. I think when it grows out a little more he will still have some curl. Xander's latest interests have been climbing up and standing on the table and dancing, dragging chairs around the kitchen and getting up to what ever he wants (mostly the phone) and sliding out coffee table over to the sliding glass door and unlocking it and walking out. He also just figured out last week how to open the child proof latch I have on the computer desk to keep him from shutting the computer off. He is way too smart for his own good but I can't stay mad long cause he is so stinkin cute. He has the cheesiest grin and is so loving. He gives fabulous hugs and kisses. When he was a year he thought it was hilarious when people sneezed so every time they would sneeze he'd pretend to sneeze too. here is a video...
He has learned a few word and still uses signing to communicate. He knows how to say "All done!", "gone" "momma" "dada" and the classic one.... "denied!!!" We kept telling him denied every time he would get into something he shouldn't and one day he just repeated it and says it all the time now. He learned "Damn" earlier on but thankfully has forgotten that one. He also just learned how to say Grandma. A few months ago I caught hime with Addi's dolls lifting up their shirts and scratching at their belly buttons while saying "tickle tickle tickle." He will do that any time he finds skin showing where it doesn't normally show. Here is a video of the Tickle tickel. Took a while to get him to say it though....
Sad part is he pinches more than he tickles. He also has learned "hi" and "bye" Both he and Addi just love the camera. I'll be posting a few more recent pics up and then try to keep them updated from here.
As I was writing I noticed I've forgot to include the not so good news. We found out a few weeks ago that Dan's Grandpa, Doug Terry, was just diagnosed with bone cancer. From what we have heard it sounds like things are optimistic, they can slow it down and give him more time but he will have to take life slower than he is used to. also. My sister who has been stuggling with anorexia for a few years now was just checked into a hospital cause she can't seem to get better on her own. She was in a facility in febuary for a few months but they let her out so she could graduate highschool. I'm hoping she tries harder to conquer this cause we can't do it for her. She has to want to get better. Well. i also realized I hadn't updating on the new callings we have in this new ward. I've been called as the visiting teaching coordinator and Dan is Scout master. He is SUPER busy now but the Lord has blessed us for it. Well. That is it for now. I need a break from all this typing! :)